quart.wrappers package

Module contents

class quart.wrappers.BaseRequestWebsocket(method: str, scheme: str, path: str, query_string: bytes, headers: werkzeug.datastructures.Headers, root_path: str, http_version: str)

Bases: quart.wrappers.base._BaseRequestResponse

This class is the basis for Requests and websockets..


If an exception is raised during the route matching it will be stored here.


The rule that this request has been matched too.


The keyword arguments for the view from the route matching.

property accept_charsets
property accept_encodings
property accept_languages
property accept_mimetypes
property access_control_request_headers
property access_control_request_method
property access_route
property authorization
property base_url

Returns the base url without query string or fragments.

property blueprint

Returns the blueprint the matched endpoint belongs to.

This can be None if the request has not been matched or the endpoint is not in a blueprint.

property cache_control
property cookies

The parsed cookies attached to this request.

property date

alias of werkzeug.datastructures.ImmutableMultiDict

encoding_errors = 'replace'
property endpoint

Returns the corresponding endpoint matched for this request.

This can be None if the request has not been matched with a rule.

property full_path
property host
property host_url
property if_match
property if_modified_since
property if_none_match
property if_range
property if_unmodified_since
property is_secure

alias of werkzeug.datastructures.ImmutableList

property max_forwards
property origin

alias of werkzeug.datastructures.ImmutableMultiDict

property pragma
property range
property referrer
property remote_addr

Returns the remote address of the request, faked into the headers.

routing_exception: Optional[Exception] = None
property url

Returns the full url requested.

property url_root
url_rule: Optional['QuartRule'] = None
view_args: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
class quart.wrappers.Body(expected_content_length: Optional[int], max_content_length: Optional[int])

Bases: object

A request body container.

The request body can either be iterated over and consumed in parts (without building up memory usage) or awaited.

async for data in body:
# or simply
complete = await body

Note: It is not possible to iterate over the data and then await it.

append(data: bytes) → None
set_complete() → None
set_result(data: bytes) → None

Convienience method, mainly for testing.

class quart.wrappers.JSONMixin

Bases: object

Mixin to provide get_json methods from objects.

The class must support _load_data_json and have a mimetype attribute.

async get_json(force: bool = False, silent: bool = False, cache: bool = True) → Any

Parses the body data as JSON and returns it.

  • force – Force JSON parsing even if the mimetype is not JSON.

  • silent – Do not trigger error handling if parsing fails, without this the on_json_loading_failed() will be called on error.

  • cache – Cache the parsed JSON on this request object.

property is_json

Returns True if the content_type is json like.

property json
property mimetype

Return the mimetype of the associated data.

on_json_loading_failed(error: Exception) → None

Handle a JSON parsing error.


error – The exception raised during parsing.

class quart.wrappers.Request(method: str, scheme: str, path: str, query_string: bytes, headers: werkzeug.datastructures.Headers, root_path: str, http_version: str, *, max_content_length: Optional[int] = None, body_timeout: Optional[int] = None, send_push_promise: Callable[[str, werkzeug.datastructures.Headers], Awaitable[None]])

Bases: quart.wrappers.base.BaseRequestWebsocket, quart.wrappers.base.JSONMixin

This class represents a request.

It can be subclassed and the subclassed used in preference by replacing the request_class with your subclass.


The class to store the body data within.


alias of Body

property content_encoding
property content_length
property content_md5
property content_type
property data
property files

The parsed files.

This will return an empty multidict unless the request mimetype was enctype="multipart/form-data" and the method POST, PUT, or PATCH.

property form

The parsed form encoded data.

Note file data is present in the files.

async get_data(raw: bool = True) → AnyStr

The request body data.

async send_push_promise(path: str) → None
property values
class quart.wrappers.Response(response: Union[quart.wrappers.response.ResponseBody, AnyStr, Iterable], status: Optional[int] = None, headers: Union[dict, werkzeug.datastructures.Headers, None] = None, mimetype: Optional[str] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: quart.wrappers.base._BaseRequestResponse, quart.wrappers.base.JSONMixin

This class represents a response.

It can be subclassed and the subclassed used in preference by replacing the response_class with your subclass.


If False the content length header must be provided.


The status code to use if not provided.


The mimetype to use if not provided.


Implicitly convert the response to a iterable in the get_data method, to allow multiple iterations.

property accept_ranges
property access_control_allow_credentials

Whether credentials can be shared by the browser to JavaScript code. As part of the preflight request it indicates whether credentials can be used on the cross origin request.

property access_control_allow_headers
property access_control_allow_methods
property access_control_allow_origin
property access_control_expose_headers
property access_control_max_age
async add_etag(overwrite: bool = False, weak: bool = False) → None
property age
property allow
automatically_set_content_length = True
property cache_control
property content_encoding
property content_language
property content_length
property content_location
property content_md5
property content_range
property content_security_policy
property content_security_policy_report_only
property content_type

alias of DataBody

property date
default_mimetype = 'text/html'
default_status = 200

Delete a cookie (set to expire immediately).

property expires

alias of FileBody

async freeze() → None

Freeze this object ready for pickling.

async get_data(raw: bool = True) → AnyStr

Return the body data.

get_etag() → Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[bool]]
implicit_sequence_conversion = True

alias of IOBody


alias of IterableBody

property last_modified
property location
async make_conditional(request_range: Optional[werkzeug.datastructures.Range], max_partial_size: Optional[int] = None) → None

Make the response conditional to the

  • request_range – The range as requested by the request.

  • max_partial_size – The maximum length the server is willing to serve in a single response. Defaults to unlimited.

property referrer
property retry_after

Set a cookie in the response headers.

The arguments are the standard cookie morsels and this is a wrapper around the stdlib SimpleCookie code.

set_data(data: AnyStr) → None

Set the response data.

This will encode using the charset.

set_etag(etag: str, weak: bool = False) → None
property vary
class quart.wrappers.Websocket(path: str, query_string: bytes, scheme: str, headers: werkzeug.datastructures.Headers, root_path: str, http_version: str, subprotocols: List[str], receive: Callable, send: Callable, accept: Callable)

Bases: quart.wrappers.base.BaseRequestWebsocket

async accept(headers: Union[dict, werkzeug.datastructures.Headers, None] = None, subprotocol: Optional[str] = None) → None

Manually chose to accept the websocket connection.

  • headers – Additional headers to send with the acceptance response.

  • subprotocol – The chosen subprotocol, optional.

async receive() → AnyStr
property requested_subprotocols
async send(data: AnyStr) → None