hypercorn.config module¶
- class hypercorn.config.Config¶
- access_log_format = '%(h)s %(l)s %(l)s %(t)s "%(r)s" %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s"'¶
- accesslog: Optional[Union[logging.Logger, str]] = None¶
- alpn_protocols = ['h2', 'http/1.1']¶
- alt_svc_headers: List[str] = []¶
- application_path: str¶
- backlog = 100¶
- property bind: List[str]¶
- ca_certs: Optional[str] = None¶
- property cert_reqs¶
- certfile: Optional[str] = None¶
- ciphers: str = 'ECDHE+AESGCM'¶
- create_sockets() hypercorn.config.Sockets ¶
- create_ssl_context() Optional[ssl.SSLContext] ¶
- debug = False¶
- dogstatsd_tags = ''¶
- errorlog: Optional[Union[logging.Logger, str]] = '-'¶
- classmethod from_mapping(mapping: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, **kwargs: Any) hypercorn.config.Config ¶
Create a configuration from a mapping.
This allows either a mapping to be directly passed or as keyword arguments, for example,
config = {'keep_alive_timeout': 10} Config.from_mapping(config) Config.from_mapping(keep_alive_timeout=10)
- Parameters
mapping – Optionally a mapping object.
kwargs – Optionally a collection of keyword arguments to form a mapping.
- classmethod from_object(instance: Union[object, str]) hypercorn.config.Config ¶
Create a configuration from a Python object.
This can be used to reference modules or objects within modules for example,
Config.from_object('module') Config.from_object('module.instance') from module import instance Config.from_object(instance)
are valid.
- Parameters
instance – Either a str referencing a python object or the object itself.
- classmethod from_pyfile(filename: Union[AnyStr, os.PathLike]) hypercorn.config.Config ¶
Create a configuration from a Python file.
- Parameters
filename – The filename which gives the path to the file.
- classmethod from_toml(filename: Union[AnyStr, os.PathLike]) hypercorn.config.Config ¶
Load the configuration values from a TOML formatted file.
This allows configuration to be loaded as so
- Parameters
filename – The filename which gives the path to the file.
- graceful_timeout: float = 3.0¶
- group: Optional[int] = None¶
- h11_max_incomplete_size = 16384¶
- h2_max_concurrent_streams = 100¶
- h2_max_header_list_size = 65536¶
- h2_max_inbound_frame_size = 16384¶
- include_server_header = True¶
- property insecure_bind: List[str]¶
- keep_alive_timeout = 5.0¶
- keyfile: Optional[str] = None¶
- keyfile_password: Optional[str] = None¶
- property log: hypercorn.logging.Logger¶
- logconfig: Optional[str] = None¶
- logconfig_dict: Optional[dict] = None¶
- logger_class¶
alias of
- loglevel: str = 'INFO'¶
- max_app_queue_size: int = 10¶
- pid_path: Optional[str] = None¶
- property quic_bind: List[str]¶
- read_timeout: Optional[int] = None¶
- response_headers(protocol: str) List[Tuple[bytes, bytes]] ¶
- property root_path: str¶
- server_names: List[str] = []¶
- set_cert_reqs(value: int) None ¶
- set_statsd_logger_class(statsd_logger: Type[hypercorn.logging.Logger]) None ¶
- shutdown_timeout = 60.0¶
- property ssl_enabled: bool¶
- ssl_handshake_timeout = 60.0¶
- startup_timeout = 60.0¶
- statsd_host: Optional[str] = None¶
- statsd_prefix = ''¶
- umask: Optional[int] = None¶
- use_reloader = False¶
- user: Optional[int] = None¶
- verify_flags: Optional[ssl.VerifyFlags] = None¶
- verify_mode: Optional[ssl.VerifyMode] = None¶
- websocket_max_message_size = 16777216¶
- websocket_ping_interval: Optional[float] = None¶
- worker_class = 'asyncio'¶
- workers = 1¶
- exception hypercorn.config.SocketTypeError(expected: Union[int, socket.SocketKind], actual: Union[int, socket.SocketKind])¶